Friday, August 20, 2010

How do you deal with a break up like this? NEED ADVICE PLEASE.?

After a year i broke up with my boyfriend. we were fighting a lot more than usual and i just couldnt deal with the terrible arguments so i felt as if i should've broke it off. I was hurt, i was mad, i was confused. Those feelings all wrapped into one made everything so difficult.The following week after it happend he still wanted to work things out. He said he would change. He brought me flowers. I could tell he still cared but he's said and done these things before so i didnt know to believe him or not. But a couple days after this we seen each other at a party. I again was stil hurt, pissed off, so i ignored him a little more than i should've and acted rude toward him..i guess you could say i was being a *****. It seemed like i was totally losing myself. I didnt care about anything. Not even myself. I ended up hooking up with a guy, my ex found out, and he decided he had to move on. A while after, probably a month, i realized, i dont want the single life. I was hurt and everything but, i still loved him more than anything. We are still close and good friends but recently i told him my true feelings that i've been hiding all this time. We hangout, still tell each other we love each other, that we miss each other. But then when he thinks about what i did to him and how i acted toward him when we broke up, he gets jealous, angry, and just plainly mad at me. He says he wants to be with me but cant bring himself to do it because he feels as if he ever thinks about it, he'll continue to get pissed and mad about it. What do i do? What can i say to him? How can we get through this? I know we both want to be together, but he just doesnt want to get hurt again, he doesnt want to risk it all. Please help, i need some serious advice.How do you deal with a break up like this? NEED ADVICE PLEASE.?
You were hurt and mad at the time and you shouldn't of acted to the extent you did at the party you went to but that's in the past and you cant change it now. Try to go back and remember what made you break up with your boyfriend. Try and realize if you are still truly in love with him. If he cant bring himself to be with you don't force anything upon him. If he still holds onto that time at the party and keeps getting angered then give it a break. I know it will be hard but wait a little while tell him that you think you guys should stop talking for a little while and spend some time apart to gather your thoughts and really think. Maybe you two wont ever be able to be friends. Some couples are either in a relationship or not ever even talking. If you want to be together then he shouldn't hold on to what happened at the party as long as he knows you are genuinely sorry about it. Just think it all have a lot to consider.How do you deal with a break up like this? NEED ADVICE PLEASE.?
You were right from the should have broke it off, which you did. As for getting back together, it would never work. Trust is very important. If he can't trust you, what is left? You answered that as well - jealousy, anger and regrets. Who would want to get back into a relationship where you were arguing all the time anyway? Life is too short. There's always someone better out there. You may find him (the one) when you aren't even looking. I was single and not even looking. I had no regrets leaving a horrible relationship that was nothing but arguing and fighting. It wasn't healthy at all. One day I stopped by a restaurant to get an appetizer after work. Lo and behold my prince charming walked through the door. I wasn't going to let him leave without me talking to him and getting his number! Funny thing is, I used to be very shy. He swept me off my feet and we've been together since (8 years so far). I'm very proud to call him my husband.
hookup with someone else for some meaningless sex
Well if you both truly want to be together, then try. I understand he might be hurting when he thinks about it and he doesnt want to get hurt but in my opinion you both need to try. I would hate going through life with the what if. If I were you I would talk to him in depth about his feelings, and you gotta realize that if you two do try again it will take a while to gain his trust back. You have to be willing to wait and do everything you can until he trusts you like he used to. I have been in your shoes and we worked it out. If you both truly love each other you will get through it, and if not then you both know it wasnt meant to be. Good luck! I hope this helps!
It sounds like yahoo answers wont give u good advice. I'd seek a relationship councilor.
you go masturbate to make your self feel better
Sorry to have to say this, but you handled it all wrong. I don't get why you would go with another guy. Why? And I can completely understand why your boyfriend does not trust you now. Everyone has arguments. Sometimes even break-ups. But that doesn't mean they run out and hook up with someone right away. What would that accomplish? It accomplishes nothing, and only makes matters worse, which happened in your situation.

It's unfortunately going to take time. You are going to have to earn his trust back. If you love him as much as you say you do, you'll do it. I truly do not blame him. He didn't hook up with another girl. Instead, he sent you flowers. That's the difference. You'll learn a hard lesson through this one.
how do u not know what a penguin is?
sounds like a very unhealthy relationship. just keep away from him and move on.
You both need to move on quit living in the past.

Make a agreement or something?

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