my ex boyfriend of 3 days broke up and i am totally devastated. I am 20 and he is much older than I am and when we break up we usually get back together but that can kinda be unhealthy for any relationship. i mean i was so pissed off that i changed my phone number but now i kinda miss him. whats a girl to do and will he come back to me?How do i deal with a break up when i was the one who broke up with him?
If he loves U then he will come back to you or call you.How do i deal with a break up when i was the one who broke up with him?
leave off. For starters, when you said ';when we break up we usually get back together'; that jus says it all. It obviously isnt meant to be. Move on and good luck. x
Why would he want you back? You are not ever going to get alone with each other. So, just sit down and write a list of thinks that cause you to break up and read the list. Maybe you will see, that he's not the guy for you.
Your picker is broken, fix yourself and solve this issue.
Ex boyfriend of 3 days? You break up and get back together? Something is not adding up. Did you mean 3 years?
Sounds like one of the relationships I used to have. We used to ';break up to make up';. The relationship was full of emotion, and the make up sex was always amazing, but in the end it's just not a healthy relationship.
I would say try to move on and don't contact him for a while. Find someone you can have a stable relationship with.
wow...a whole three day relationship???? holy crap! are you really serious?!?! counseling
You should move on!! You've already done the hard part by breaking up with him. The longer you hold off on trying to contact him and trying to get him back, the easier to get over him. There are more fish in the sea.. go out and be happy for yourself, because you evidently were not happy with him. If it's meant to be, then it will be, otherwise, just let life take it's course.. Make him come crawling back to you if it means that much to you!! GOD BLESS!! GOOD LUCK!!
sleep with his best mate
make up your mind're heading into a self destructing relationship.clear everything before you start anew either with him or with another men. BOTH have to wanna come back to each other in order for it ever to honestly occur for you two sweetie....understood?.......3 days does not make a lifetime really hun........several years of this crap might though honestly!
Honestly if you get back with him so soon it will just end up in more heart ache. Wait awhie if it's ment to be it will be.
well it obviously didn't work as you have more than one break up!
move on and forget about him as i pretty sure he will be doing just that!
Go look for another boyfriend... replace your feelings with another.. afterall you must have chuked him for a reason..
ohhhh some ones kicking themselves now arent they u really need to give up on him take some prozac and find a new guy
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