My boyfriend of 1 1/2 years just broke up with me out of the blue last night. We had talked of engagement and marriage and was sure he was the one. Our relationship was perfect--we trusted each other, we always showed our appreciation and love for each other. Last night we got into a fight and all of a sudden he said he was ';burned out'; and wasn't sure if he could ';do this anymore.'; He told me about some things that bothered him about me and I told him that they could be fixed, however he just said he felt like it was too far gone and that he might have ';fallen out of love.'; We ended our conversation by agreeing to a ';break,'; but I know what usually happens with that. Out of my last 4 boyfriends I've had in my life, I've had my heart broken and cheated on by 3 of them. I don't know how to deal with having my heart broken anymore, especially since I thought that I finally found the man of my dreams. What do I do? Any advice will help.How do I deal with a break up?
I feel for you. I know what you are going through, actually I think most of us know one way or another. It seems that he hasn't been completely honest in your relationship. He could have told you about the things he didn't like but it seems that he did not - and things don't fix themselves on their own usually. I don't think there are any serious mistakes on your part, probably he just prefers running away to staying by your (or any woman's) side at the moment. How old is he anyway? Well, this can happen with men (and women) who were supposed to be grown up too... all I can say is that you have to let go and try not to cry in front of him. Take a pause away from him, work out, meet friends. That is the only way to move on - and the only way to get him back in the future. If he comes back, he has to tell you what he thought was bad between you two, so that you don't start afresh with some old baggage to carry. Take care, my thoughts are with you.How do I deal with a break up?
Honey just pray if he is the one for you he will come back if not don't worry life is tooooooo short have fun. P.S what break do heal just take time
I went through a similar situation, and all you can do is pray to be strong and go on with your life. If he loves you, really loves you he will come back. Like my boyfriend and I were apart for a whole year, now he wants to come back. But he has to prove to me that I can depend on him to be there for me and not run away again because he gets scared. Think about it! I know it hurts but you have to let it go, try spending more time with your family and friends to occupy your time.
I think you are allowing yourself to be a rug--that means you do everything in order and there is no respect happening here--the men just know by your actions that you are accepting of everything--they know you and read you like a book--so you need to be a stronger person--be a challenge--so they have to work a bit here
Find a man and work hard to gain his trust and when you know it's the right time.
Perhaps you should slow down enough to recover from the last relationships you had, people tend to hop into another relationship to get over the other person, when really their hurting themselves. Doing that could lead you to the same problem, because you see something in that person that reminded you of the last person. And you don't really know a person unless you had years with them. After about the 2ND year true colors are exposed, not unless you run into someone that is honest about themselves. My advice to you is to gather yourself, move on and take your time. Heart breaks take time to heal
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