Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do I deal with this break up?

It was getting slowly easier, but now it's so much worse then a week ago. I think I messed things up even worse then they already were. We were going on a break for a little because things weren't going well. We had only been dating for about 2 months. I told her she could call me whenever she wanted, but she called 5 days after the break and I still needed time to think. I tried to call her the other day and she didn't pick up or get back to me. I feel worse then the night we went on the break now. Everything is worse then it was before. What do I do now?

I want to call her again, but I don't want to be pushy. I know I hurt her and I feel terrible about it. Should I write her a letter or something saying sorry? Someone just give me any advice, please.How do I deal with this break up?
Obviously this girl is really hurting over the break-up and so are you. Time is the best healer of all wounds and right now, it is the only remedy to this. Give her time to get over the break-up but in the mean time, write her a letter to let her know how you feel and send it to her, then give her space. She needs time to be able to talk to you and just as it hurt when she called you 5 days after the breakup it hurt her to hear your voice as well. She could be feeling the same way you are and I know it is tough to hear, but once you send this letter, let it alone. The more you push to talk to her, the more painful it will be for both of you. In time she will come around to be comfortable enough to talk to you and you will be comfortable enough to talk to her...without the pain....How do I deal with this break up?
Try calling her one more time. Leave her a message of apology if you really are sorry. If she ignores it, maybe it's time to go on with life.
dude, having just gotten over a bad breakup, first off, my sympathies. I know how bad it sucks! Good news is that it will get better.

Next, get away from the emotional turmoil! Find something to get your mind off the girl. Forget about contacting her.

Play video games, go out with your buddies, get really busy at work -- anything you can do so that you're not home with nothing to do but think about her. Whatever you do that makes you really happy but won't make you think about her: do it.
Well, I am not sure what age group you are in, but you are saying, ';break';, I am assuming high school or college. I am not sure why you stop talking to begin with, but if you guys want to be together then you will, if you messed up, then beg for her forgiveness if you really want her, if she wants you she will adhere to your call or eventually respond when she has forgiven you. 2- months is not very long and if you 2 are having problems so early in a relationship then maybe a relationship is not what you need right now. Good luck!
Just call her. Get it over and done with. You may face rejection - but at least then you know you did all you could.

By the way, advice for future - the ';on a break'; thing never really works. You have to either stay together and work it out, or give eachother a little space but whilst both aware you are still together. On a break - creates these fluiod boundaries where no one really knows where they stand. Call her,or, even better - see her FACE TO FACE - tell her how you feel and see if you can fix things before its too late. good luck.
Do you guys actually get along? It kinda sounds like you and her are trying too hard to make it work... I mean, it's only been two months, and you already needed time apart? You should both be in the stars and rainbows and butterfly stage.... It doesn't sound like a happy relationship. Maybe she has realized that things might not work out, maybe she realized that whatever happened between you isn't something she is able to live with or get past. If you want to keep trying because you really care about her, then yes, keep trying to contact her. If you are honest about how you are feeling, that you are sorry, and you show her that you won't repeat the act that hurt her, she might come around.
listen, you going about this all the wrong way,

when we humans hurt other humans,

we tend to get bitter,

as were programed to love, not to be rejected.....

stop playing this game . ......... it isnt fair agreed?

either, play the game the right way, or get off the pot .

woman hate when men cant commit,

what makes you think she really wants you ?

she could be dating again . and she has every right too

so grow up . let her been,

sorry I'm really honest....... but this bird has flow the nest

just stay friends, and see what happens.

till then give her time, she deserves ...........
I have never been in this situation so I have no clue what to say. This is all I know, God will help you. He has helped me through a lot of things in my past and he will help you. All you need to do is pray.
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