my first real boyfriend
my first kiss
my first love
broke up with me
idk how to deal with this
every time i see him i cry and i just wanna be happyHow do i deal with a break up?
I feel you pain... my gf left me 3 weeks ago, still killing me so bad.
Time i guess... talk with someone and upload your feelings.How do i deal with a break up?
There's not much you can do when it's over. When one person decides that it's through you need to try to accept that yourself no matter how hard or difficult it is. For awhile you're going to deny it. Everyone does. No one wants to accept rejection and that's what they feel this experience resulted in...rejection, though that's not the case. Although that relationship didn't work out, it doesn't mean you were ';rejected';. After all, that very person was the same that loved you for the person you are however long you were together. That person saw something in you that stood out among every other person in their world. You were it. You were the one person which that person wanted to be with. You were perfect. Although her feelings changed, you're still that same amazing, perfect person, but now it's someone else's turn to discover how amazing you are and you're turn to experience that ultimate feeling of falling in love again. Remember that ';this too shall pass';.
Put everything that he gave you in a box, and if possible, delete everything that comes from him (or at least make copies, like of his letters, his screenname, his email, his number). Put them aside so you can look at them WAY later, NOT now when you're hurting. It helps you to let go, even though you don't want to. If you hold on for too long, you'll be even more hurt, so you have to try.
Hang out with your friends. If you haven't seen some people for a while, call them up, and stay off the subject of your boyfriend. Go have some fun and keep your mind off of him.
Get involved with some activities, such as clubs or a gym. If not, read a book series, rent a TV series, or start a fun project that you haven't had time to do. It's great to exercise, so again, try a gym, enjoy the fresh air by taking a walk, or go biking (personal favorite)! If you like shopping, you can do that too! Just don't sit around and mope--it won't make anything better!
Remind yourself (if possible) of any bad times you and your ex-boyfriend have had. And remember, if you need to cry, let it out, just not in public places or else people will get nosy. It's always good to have a good long cry to help you get out whatever sadness you have left in you.
Right now, one of my girlfriends is going through this too, so I've been looking up ways to help her get through it. It really does take time, so don't give up just because it seems to be taking too long. Eventually, you'll find someone that's perfect for you and who will fall in love with you. I'm sure you're a great girl, so smile, keep yourself busy, and you'll get over it!
Good luck, and I really hope you feel better! Go do something you've wanted to do for a while! You deserve it! =]
Oh, and dress yourself up... get a new hairstyle! Do whatever! Make yourself feel pretty and go find someone who will really really like you!
Do the things that made you happy prior to the relationship. It wasn't like you were a hermit or a recluse before you were in the relationship. The relationship should not make you. You make the relationship. It's like Jay-Z's song, ';Lost Ones.'; It goes, ';I heard motherfu*kers saying they made Hov, makes me say ok, so, make another Hov.';
first accept the fact that its over, cry if u must, lose sleep if u must, think if u must, grieve for now if u must, it all goes with it, BUT after it start to have time for yourself, try to make yourself beautiful again, love yourself again, keep all memorabilia away where you can see them, be with a support group - mostly friends and family.. its a day today thing, it can linger for months years, but still all recovery will be up to u, Keep your peace dear, youll recover in time. Ill keep you in my prayers this week.
I went throught this a while back. All you can do is live your life. Be you and dont pay attention to him. What happened to me was after i had a new bf for over 6 months he came back %26amp; wanted me back. Just live life day by day. Take baby steps! You will get over him it just takes time. Good luck!
im sorry i know from experience how rough it is, the best way to let go is to tell urself that he's happier without you and ur not gonna let ur emotions get in the way of that, u also might wanna get ur frends to help u cope, makes it hella easier good luck...seems awfully harsh
go out with some gfs and try having a good time. realize that you dont need him to be happy and that eventually youll get over it and probly laugh about it later. go out have fun and be single cuz single girls can be happy too!
yeh time heals it. just keep telling urself how hot u are and that u can get anyone u want.. keep that self esteem up! and if ur doing great and not mopping around, and he sees that, hes guna think
wtf. shes coping so well
thats the best revenge
I usually turn to spiritual things to help me deal or start doing things that make you so happy you forget all about whatever is bothering you.
I'm so sorry.
It gets easier everyday! Nothing i can say to take that hurt away. It won't be the first or last time you are going to feel this way. Good luck!
only time will heal. keep your head up girl! there are plenty of fish in the sea. good luck!
sorry but thats how it works. its good to be sad for a while. it'll pass even though it feels like it never will.
It's okay to cry. Don't let it stick with you too long -- and ... happiness is a state of mind. Don't let it depend on him. :)
it just takes time unfortunately
Takes time and until that day, it will be difficult.
It takes time stay busy.
Find someone else. He may even get jealous, and want you back!! Of course, I wouldn't take him back!!
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